-ING Group Details
Lead: Tom Swartz
Meet at St Clair Cine 10 Lot in Fairview Heights on Saturday AM
RSVP by Thursday prior to event event to Tom (618-977-8844, tom@skyline.church)
Convoy to various points of interest
Write-ups of itinerary and feature locations published in advance
Usually includes an inexpensive lunch and/or snack
Children and friends welcome to come along
Roughly 7 ExplorING trips are planned on alternating Saturdays
Return to Fairview Heights lot in early-to-mid afternoon
Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/skylineexplorers) will provide additional information and pictures
Lead: Kaci Alexander 812-887-8476, kaci.michaele@gmail.com
Lead: Jasmine Boyd 618-520-9841, jcb21693@gmail.com
Morning playground play for kids accompanied by an adult
Social time for adults/parents
Indicate your availability on weekdays/weekends
Playground location will be local, will vary to enjoy variety
Lead: Emily Strong 719-329-8378, emilystrong6913@gmail.com
Lead: Jamie Green 618-401-4154, aubrey8117@gmail.com
Discussion group to learn about making sourdough items
Meets once/month on Saturday AM
Discuss recipes and making/keeping sourdough starters
Swap recipes/ideas and troubleshooting
Sampling of creations
Discuss pricing of commodities/tools/materials/ingredients
Lead: Angie Northcutt 618-570-4068, ajnorthcutt@charter.net
2nd and 4th Friday of each month
Potluck meal and Bunco gaming @ Skyline
More Details Coming
Old School GamING
Lead: Shirley Simmons, 314-387-1723, simmonsshirleyd@gmail.com
Initially meet @ Skyline on Wednesdays 6:30PM-8:30-PM
Will eventually gravitate to meeting in homes of group members
No childcare, but ages 9 and up are welcome to attend w/parents
Multiple simultaneous games will be running
Old School Games: Monopoly, Jenga, Checkers, Trouble, Guess Who?, Sorry, Connect Four, Uno, Go Fish, Dominoes, Scrabble, Jacks, etc.
Some newer games may be offered or suggested
Food FellowshippING
Leads: Deb & Will Byrd, 618-604-7585, debraebyrd@yahoo.com
Thursday Evenings
Eat dinner at home then come to group
8 meal courses, each one for a particular week
E.g. week 1 is drinks, week2 is appetizers, etc.
Each course has pertinent group discussion
Lead: Terry Adams, 618-577-0883, ta0528@gmail.com
Lead: Brian Lawrenz, 209-658-0995, brianlawrenz1978@gmail.com
Meet at St Clair Bowl Thursday 6:30PM, begins June 6
Soclal, non-competitive
2 games plus snacks/drinks
Discounted rate: $2/game, $2/shoes if you lack bowling shoes
Lead: Shem Hernandez, 618-540-0701, sqhus@yahoo.com
Lead: Angie Northcutt, 618-570-4068, ajnorthcutt@charter.net
Monthly bike trips on O'fallon Trail, Day/time will vary based on group
Family friendly-paced ride
Must bring/wear a helmet
May include an ice cream stop
Lead: Nancy Kanizar, 703-597-8343, Nancy.kanizar@gmail.com
Meet at the O'Fallon Sports Park Pavillion Saturday AM (Time TBD)
Walk the 2.1 Mile Walking Path
Enjoy a Short Devotional or Time of Prayer Together
Bring Water and a Towel to Sit on Afterwards!
Wear Sunscreen/Wear a Hat, As Needed!
All Walkers Welcome! Speedy/Leisurely/Stroller Pushers/Wagon Pullers
Bible MappING
Leader: Debi Carle, deesea1256@gmail.com
Taking a verse from the pastor's sermon and digging into a few of the words and other verses
Bring bible and notebook
630pm on a weeknight most available to members
May include volunteer snacks
Leader: Joshua Lowary, 618-407-4964, Joshua.lowary@gmail.com
Meeting and plant care schedule TBD
Group will last through growing season, but schedule may change with seasons
Main goal is to start a church vegetable garden and fellowship as we work together growing our green spaces
If you have questions or want more information, contact Tom Swartz, Director of Skyline Groups.
Email: Tom@skyline.church Phone: 618-977-8844